Building a better world, one decision at a time.
Copperleaf can help your organization decide where and when to invest in your business to maximize capital efficiency, meet performance targets, manage risk, and achieve your ESG and financial goals.
Tuesday, February 27
11:00am – 12:30pm: Demos with our partner SAP. Book your demo here.
Booth #1353, Exhibit Floor
1:00pm – 3:00pm: Demos with our partner Black & Veatch. Book your demo here.
Booth #1401, Exhibit Floor
2:00pm – 3:00pm: Demos with our partner Siemens. Book your demo here.
Booth #1353, Exhibit Floor
2:30pm – 3:30pm: GIS and ESJ – What Geospatial Data Tells Us about Environmental and Social Justice with Damien Quentin
Room W310B
3:00pm – 6:00pm: Cantina! Stop by the Copperleaf booth for some beer and networking
Booth #1353, Exhibit Floor
Wednesday, February 28
11:00am – 12:30pm: Demos with our partner SAP. Book your demo here.
Booth #1353, Exhibit Floor
1:00pm – 1:30pm: Improving Asset Management Through Predictive Analytics with Phil Jones, Margaret Flores (Hydro Ottawa), and Jakub Gara (Hatch)
Room W307CD
1:15pm – 1:45pm: Combining the Power of Artificial Intelligence and Human Expertise in Asset Management with Santiago Vasquez
Innovative & Emerging Technologies Hub – Booth #432
Speaking Sessions

GIS and ESJ – What Geospatial Data Tells Us about Environmental and Social Justice
Environmental and Social Justice (ESJ) has been on the minds and agendas of regulators and utilities. Providing affordable service and ensuring equitable impact are pressing challenges for utilities whose assets span multiple communities and regions.
Damien Quentin will be hosting a roundtable to discuss different ESJ considerations utilities have been integrating into their capital planning, and how geospatial data can be used to identify and measure community impact.

Improving Asset Management Through Predictive Analytics
Want to learn about the leading methodologies in predictive analytics?
Phil Jones, Margaret Flores (Hydro Ottawa) and Jakub Gara (Hatch) discuss real industry applications that leverage data to foresee trends in equipment failure, and ultimately replace assets before costly failures occur. Insights will be provided on the data requirements and how predictive analytics can be integrated into asset investment planning tools.

Combining the Power of Artificial Intelligence and Human Expertise in Asset Management
Santiago Vasquez will highlight the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in asset management, particularly in capital planning for T&D companies.
Learn how combining AI and human expertise can enhance decision making and optimize capital planning outcomes by:
- Integrating bottom-up asset data and top-down strategic objectives
- Improving understanding of integrated asset investment planning principles
- Learning from past mistakes (and natural optimism) to build more realistic, executable plans