Deliver the highest value from assets in roads & highways
Copperleaf can help you evaluate all investment options on equal footing, making it easy to compare dissimilar projects—from bridge deck repairs to new traffic management systems to signage and accessibility improvements—and create plans that are transparent, defensible, and aligned with strategic objectives.
Connect with us at the event
Join Copperleaf at the 2024 AASHTO Annual Meeting from October 29th to November 1st, in Philadelphia, PA. This event is one of the transportation industry’s most important conferences of the year and brings together experts from the public and private sector to share the latest in industry policy and innovation.
Tuesday, 5:20pm & Wednesday, 12:45pm: Live Demos of the Copperleaf Decision Analytics Solution
Join us at booth 108 for a firsthand look at the Copperleaf Solution and see the difference it can make to your transportation asset management plans.
Can’t make it? Schedule a demo with our team:

Wednesday, 3:00pm: Maximizing Value: Asset Investment Planning in Transportation
Connor Cox will speak on value-based decision making, maximizing investment effectiveness, and incorporating risk and resilience into planning and operations.