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The Optimization Game: A Fun and Impactful Way to Drive Organizational Change

Participants walked away with a great approach to educating their stakeholders on the challenges and benefits of investment planning and portfolio optimization—to drive transformational change.  Interested in running an optimization game session for your organization?  Reach out to our team today.

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Case Study: Powering Success: Change Management and Governance Strategies to Enable Lasting Success at Alabama Power

Josh McCurry, Project Manager for Power Delivery and Data Analytics at Alabama Power delivered this sessions on change management and governance strategies for their Copperleaf implementation – including managing regulatory shifts and changing company goals while building support and skill across their teams.

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Welcome to IFS: Building Value for Copperleaf Customers

We introduce Copperleaf customers to the power of IFS. Whether you are looking to streamline asset management, improve operations efficiency, or enhance decision-making processes, learn how the IFS portfolio provides comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the unique challenges of today’s industries.

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An Introduction to Copperleaf Technologies for IFS Customers

In this informative session designed for IFS customers, participants learned how Copperleaf Technologies can elevate their organization’s asset management and investment decision-making processes – a perfect primer for people who are new to Asset Investment Planning (AIP) solutions.

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Survive and Thrive: Master Asset Investment in a Zombie Apocalypse

In this lighthearted session, participants learned the fundamentals of asset investment planning and value-based decision-making, all within the context of surviving an outbreak of the undead. Just like in a real planning crisis, your decisions will determine whether you thrive, or just survive.

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Optimal Substation Asset Planning at Baltimore Gas & Electric

Learn how BGE is using Copperleaf Asset to ensure they’re making optimal decisions in substation project planning to minimize downtime, mitigate systems risk, and create long-term asset sustainment strategies.

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Value Framework Best Practices and Supporting ESG Commitments at Anglian Water

During this session, John Green, Strategic Value Manager at Anglian Water, demonstrates how they enabled ‘eyes-open’ decision-making by incorporating financial, service, and ESG factors in their value framework for investment decision-making.

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Optimizing Capital Allocation at DCC

This session highlights the practical steps taken to align capital allocation with business objectives and enable informed decisions that delivered significant ROI. Discover how clients tackle challenges, optimize resources, and position their company for sustainable growth, all while staying agile in a fast-paced environment.

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